Purpose & Intention

Welcome my Beautiful Subscribers  to " A Life of Clarity Book Reviews."  I am super stoked  about my newest adventure.  Why? Girls, we need motivation and inspiration everyday.  The hats we wear can become overwhelming at times.  A cup of coffee and an even greater book just does the trick.  
Well, a  massage certainly doesn't hurt.......

We are seriously bombarded with social media posts, reality shows, movies and the list goes on and on........  with what OUR LIFE SHOULD LOOK LIKE and let's not forget WHAT WE SHOULD LOOK LIKE. That wall of comparison and competition comes right up even without realizing it. That feeling of "Am I Really Enough?" can swarm in like a flame of fire and once its there, holy moly, it is hard to burn out.  Don't let influences of image and expectations suffocate the beautiful "you" that YOU TRULY ARE.

My little space" A Life of Clarity Book Reviews" will be a place you can come to for great recommendations on some awesome and inspiring authors. Authors like Rachel Hollis, Beth Moore, Jen Hatmaker, Nicole Unice, Shauna Niequest and so many more. It is my hope that through my website you can obtain some CLARITY OF YOUR OWN.  With each of my reviews, I will have the link directly to the purchase of recommended books and articles, as well as the personal site for each recommended author. 

Also, visit my threads-of-shine.myshopify.com store for your Chunky Chenille Blankets while snuggled up and reading that great book of choice.  

Once again, thank you for following "A Life of Clarity" Book Reviews! Now slow down and give yourself some grace and rest. Pick up a good book and prepare for some great insight and inspiration. 

---------------------------------------------All Book Ratings and Reviews are of my own opinion and research.


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