"Does Being BRAVE Require Finding Our True Selves?"
Does Being BRAVE Require Knowing Who YOU REALLY ARE?
Join Nicole Unice in this short excerpt on the beauty of being BRAVE. Then, join me on my personal journey of discovering who I AM. Click on the Title Below!
What does a Brave Life look like?
What if I can't be Brave because there are times where I often wonder who I truly am? I honestly believe this question is played in our heads over and over ESPECIALLY AS WOMEN. I spent most of my teen years never truly knowing "ME." I knew the "ME" that everyone said I was. Like many other teens, I was so busy living life and being that crazy, sometimes irrational, teenager. I had many roles in my life that kept me busy and those roles ensured me that I didn't need to know myself truly, only enough to play the game.
Game? What Game? I became what my environment pegged me to be. I was that pretty, skinny, cheerleader that everyone thought just had it all together. This basically started in Junior High for me. I never knew what it was like to feel unloved, unwanted or outcasted. You see, in my head I thought that cheerleading was the base for everything I needed to accomplish in life by that popular vote. Popular? THAT WORD has destroyed many teenagers today. I didn't know that my younger years were leading me to a pit of being "lost." You, see I put so much importance in the way I looked from my hair to my clothes, I had to look perfect! Perfect? That is another WORD that has hindered us in our walk of life.
Grades-well that wasn't so important to me because I didn't have time to perfect those. I was much too busy trying to become perfect and that consumed most of my time when I wasn't with friends, boyfriends or cheerleading. The word "BRAVE" means different things to different people. We can apply that word to many areas of life. If "BRAVE" meant being who I truly was in every area of my life during my adolescence then I was NOT BRAVE! I was exactly the opposite. I fell for the game of popularity. Having my three daughters and watching them grow up I caught a glimpse of a mirror looking back to all that I would have changed. I am so happy and grateful that God has given me so many different ways in learning who I Am Today. I cannot completely regret those adolescent journeys because they have shaped me to who I am today. MY INTENT is to drive that concept home with our young children today. With so many unrealistic views of who and how you should look on our social media today, many young girls and women fall for that need for "more." More makeup, more hair, new boots, more clothes, more stuff and all those other things that feed that "Perfect" monster. WE HAVE GOT TO OPEN OUR HEARTS and ALLOW GOD TO SHOW WHO WE TRULY ARE and EVERY SINGLE TIME HE WILL TELL US WE ARE " Brave & Enough."
Grab your Copy of "BRAVE ENOUGH" by Nicole Unice today and let her begin to open your heart in becoming transparent and learning who that beautiful soul inside of you TRULY IS!
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