"The Confident Woman: Start Today Living Boldly & Without Fear"
Author: Joyce Meyer
Title: "The Confident Woman: Start Living Boldly & Without Fear"
Publisher: Faith Words
Publication: 2006
Genre: Self- Help Motivation & Inspiration
"Women are a precious gift from God to the world. They are creative, sensitive, compassionate, intelligent, talented, and according to the Bible equal to men. God created man first-but quickly discovered he needed a helper. Not a slave but a helper. He created a woman from one of Adam's ribs and called her Eve. Note that Eve was taken from Adam's side-from something close to his heart-not the bottom of his feet. Women were never intended to be walked on, disrespected, bullied, or belittled. Eve was created because Adam needed her. God said Adam was not complete without her. Its the same today; men need women, and they need them to be more than a cook, house keeper, sex partner, or baby-making machine." Joyce Meyer
As women, we are faced with a daily race. We all encounter issues that are, sometimes, unpleasant. We are each running our own race and trying to reach our own individual goals. What we need is ENCOURAGEMENT. When we are encouraged those issues and individual paths get easier. When we plant encouragement in each other we will reap a harvest of encouragement in our own way. God corrects us when we need it, but He also showers us with encouragement in all that we do. God never tells us that we cannot make it or gives us a feeling of hopelessness. Encouragement leads us into a confident state and gives us the life we long for because of our hope and encouragement from God.
"So many times our outward appearance shows the way we are feeling inside but it can also work the other way. When we look confident on the outside, we can feel more confident on the inside. When you walk, stand upright. Don't slump your shoulders and hang your head down. You are full of the life of God so act like it! Live with passion, zeal and enthusiasm. Don't just try to "make it" through the day. "The is the day the Lord her made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:21). Don't dread the day, attack the day. Know what you want to accomplish today and go for it. Use that beautiful smile of yours to lift and encourage confidence in others.
Joyce Meyer does such a fantastic job in this book. She opens our hearts and minds to what we have deep inside of us and how we can make changes in our own way of thinking. Purchase your copy today and discover what Joyce Meyer has in store for you.
"The Confident Woman:Start Today Living Boldly and Without Fear"
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